We assess students in great part based on their results, and we should do the same for ourselves as educators. Since 2011, the value-added model has been used as one way to provide teachers with feedback on their results in the classroom. 

The value-added model provides teachers and leaders with information about the extent to which students met, exceeded, or fell short of their expected performance on state tests. It is not a progress or growth measure. The LEAP and iLEAP, for example, are different tests graded on different scales and cannot show growth by looking at one score to the next.

Instead, the value-added model asks, “Knowing this student’s unique background, how well would we typically expect her to do on this test?” The model makes this prediction by figuring out how well students with the same past scores and background score on the test. The model also looks at other factors outside of the teacher’s control, including attendance, discipline, free/reduced lunch status, special education status, Section 504 status, limited English proficiency status, and gifted status. Once the student has taken the test, the model shows the extent to which the student’s progress was on target with what would be expected. These results are averaged for each teacher to create a value-added score that reflects the extent to which a teacher’s students generally met, exceeded, or fell short of the scores we would typically expect.  

A relatively small share of teachers in Louisiana – only those in the grades and subjects listed below – receive value-added scores. 

4th-8th Grades

English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies

Up to 9th Grade

Algebra I

Up to 10th Grade


For the vast majority of teachers who do receive value-added scores, they are just one of the factors evaluators may take into consideration when assigning the final student outcomes rating that is part of Compass. Evaluators also consider student learning targets, another source of data on student results.

Teachers may access their scores, along with detailed, student-level reports, in the Compass Information System in early June. This information is meant to help teachers and leaders identify instructional strengths and areas of growth.