Welcome, Louisiana Families and Educators.

Louisiana Believes is built on the premise that Louisiana students are just as capable as any students in America, and that those closest to children – parents and teachers – are best positioned to help students achieve those expectations.

As a result of this belief, Louisiana has seen an increase in student performance in every measure both locally and nationally.

  • More students in grades 3-8 are mastering the fundamental skills they need to be successful in the next level of study.

  • More students are graduating on-time, with the credentials and funding needed to be successful in college or the workplace. 

Statewide Results

Louisiana's Academic Plan

Every day in Louisiana, educators are committed to ensuring that every child and school has the opportunity to grow and thrive. As a result of this vision, Louisiana has a relentless focus on these four areas:

Access to Quality Early Childhood Education: Louisiana is committed to providing all children with access to high-quality early childhood programs that prepare them to learn, grow, and succeed.

Academic Alignment in Every School and Classroom: Louisiana has created the nation’s most coherent statewide system of standards, curricula, assessments, and professional learning.

Teacher and Leader Preparation: All educators in Louisiana, from aspiring teachers to school system leaders, have access to high-quality training and career advancement opportunities.

Pathways to College or a Career: Students in Louisiana graduate with the credentials and funding needed for their next step of education or career preparation.

Louisiana's birth through high school system

As a result of its coherent academic strategy, Louisiana’s birth through 12 system will:

Louisiana's Birth Through 12 System

To learn more, view the following: