CCAP Eligibility Criteria

The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) helps low-income families pay for child care while working or attending school or training. Eligibility is based on family size and household income and how many hours the adult applying for CCAP works and/or attends school or training.

Households can select any Type III early learning center, family child care provider, in-home provider, school child care center, or licensed child care center determined by the Department of Defense.

Qualifying for Child Care Assistance

  1. Are you responsible for paying child care costs for a child under 13 or a child under 18 with a disability who lives with you?

  2. Do you, your spouse, and any other caregivers of children who live in your home, work or attend an educational or training program at least 20 hours a week in combination?
    • If not participating in one or a combination of these activities, do these persons receive disability income?

  3. Is your household's total monthly gross earned and unearned income less than the amount listed below for your household size? (gross income refers to income before any deductions from the paycheck)

2 persons

4 persons

6 persons

8 persons

3 persons

5 persons

7 persons

9 persons

If you answered YES to all of the above questions, you may be eligible for child care assistance. Click here to learn more about applying.

Applying for Other Services

If you are Interested in applying for other programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or the Family Independence Temporary Assistance Program (FITAP), please visit the Department of Children and Family Services website, here.