K-12 Science Resources

Science Standards

High Quality Science Curriculum

K-12 Louisiana Student Standards for Science Download
LSSS Sample Scope and Sequence Documents Download
High Quality Science Curriculum Download
Planning Guide for Science Instruction Download

Implement High Quality Pilots

Assessment Guidance

inquiryHub Biology Purchasing and Professional Development Pricing Download
Louisiana Guide to Piloting inquiryHub Biology Download
Louisiana Guide to Piloting OpenSciEd Biology Download
Louisiana Guide to Piloting OpenSciEd Chemistry Download
Louisiana Guide to Piloting OpenSciEd Physics Download
OpenSciEd Purchasing and Professional Learning Download
LEAP 2025 Assessment Guide for Biology Download
LEAP 2025 Assessment Guide for Grade 3 Science Download
LEAP 2025 Assessment Guide for Grade 4 Science Download
LEAP 2025 Assessment Guide for Grade 5 Science Download
LEAP 2025 Assessment Guide for Grade 6 Science Download
LEAP 2025 Assessment Guide for Grade 7 Science Download
LEAP 2025 Assessment Guide for Grade 8 Science Download

Implement Tier 1 Curricula

Eagle Assessment Items

Grade 3 Louisiana Guide to Implementing Amplify Download
Grade 3 Louisiana Guide to Implementing PhD Science Download
Grade 4 Louisiana Guide to Implementing Amplify Download
Grade 4 Louisiana Guide to Implementing PhD Science Download
Grade 5 Louisiana Guide to Implementing Amplify Download
Grade 5 Louisiana Guide to Implementing PhD Science Download
Grade 6 Louisiana Guide to Implementing Activate Learning OpenSciEd Download
Grade 6 Louisiana Guide to Implementing Amplify Download
Grade 6 Louisiana Guide to Implementing IQWST Download
Grade 6 OpenSciEd Implementation Guide Download
Grade 7 Guide to Implementing Activate Learning OpenSciEd Download
Grade 7 Louisiana Guide to Implementing Amplify Download
Grade 7 Louisiana Guide to Implementing IQWST Download
Grade 7 Louisiana Guide to Implementing OpenSciEd Download
Grade 8 Louisiana Guide to Implementing Activate Learning OpenSciEd Download
Grade 8 Louisiana Guide to Implementing Amplify Download
Grade 8 Louisiana Guide to Implementing IQWST Download
Grade 8 Louisiana Guide to Implementing OpenSciEd Download
Grades K-2 Louisiana Guide to Implementing Amplify Download
Grades K-2 Louisiana Guide to Implementing PhD Science Download
Biology Items Download
Grade 3 Science Items Download
Grade 4 Science Items Download
Grade 5 Science Items Download
Grade 6 Science Items Download
Grade 7 Science Items Download
Grade 8 Science Items Download
Physical Science Items Download

Self-Paced Science Professional Learning

Science Instructional Planning Modules Download
Science Learning Modules Download


inquiryHub Biology Distance Learning Download
inquiryHub Biology Distance Learning Guidance Webinar Download
IQWST Louisiana Remote Lesson Plan Overview Download
OpenSciEd Distance Learning Download
OpenSciEd Distance Learning Support Webinar Download
Release Schedule Science Distance Learning Download

LSSS/NGSS Crosswalks

Grade 1 LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
Grade 2 LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
Grade 3 LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
Grade 4 LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
Grade 5 LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
Grade 6 Science LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
Grade 7 Science LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
Grade 8 LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
HS Biology LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
HS Chemistry LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
HS Earth Science LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
HS Environmental Science LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
HS Physical Science LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
HS Physics LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download
Kindergarten LSSS and NGSS Crosswalk Download

Curriculum Guides

  High School

Agriscience 1 Course Document Download
Agriscience 2 Course Document Download
Agriscience 3 Course Document Download