Understanding Revoked Licenses and Unlicensed Centers: A Parent Guide for Avoiding Illegal Child Care Centers

Parents and families choosing a child care center for their child should be aware of two registries of centers and individuals that have been found to be operating in unsafe or illegal conditions.

1. Registry of Revoked Early Learning Center Licenses: The registry of revoked early learning center licenses is a list of centers that have lost their right to operate. This is typically due to a violation or failure to comply with licensing laws, regulations, or minimum standards. Centers that have had their licenses revoked are not allowed to operate for a period of 24 months following their revocation.

Parents are advised to avoid enrolling their child in any center on the revoked license list if they are found to still be open.

2. Registry of Individuals Prohibited from Operating Unlicensed Early Learning Centers: The registry of prohibited individuals is a list of individuals who are prohibited from operating an unlicensed child care center. This is typically the result of having operated a center without a valid license issued by the Department of Education. These individuals are under a court order or injunction prohibiting them from operating a child care center without a license.

Parents are advised to avoid enrolling their child in any center operated by the individuals listed on the prohibited individual’s registry unless they verify with Licensing that the individual has a current license issued by the Department.

Reporting Suspicious Activity - Any suspected operation by a center whose license has been revoked or by a center that does not have a valid license issued by the Department should be immediately reported to the Louisiana Department of Education Division of Licensing.

View Revoked and Non-Renewal Early Learning Center Licenses

View a Registry of Individuals Prohibited from Operating Unlicensed Early Learning Centers.

Understanding Early Learning Center Licenses

Parents and families should familiarize themselves with the early learning center license below. This is an example of the Early Learning Center License that is issued by the Louisiana Department of Education.

Parents should make sure that the information on the license is current and completed. All early learning centers are required to have an active and valid license that is available for parents to review. Any suspicion of an unlicensed early learning center must be reported to the Louisiana Department of Education Division of Licensing immediately.

View a sample of an Early Learning Center’s license.

The Louisiana Department of Education Division of Licensing can be contacted at:
Email: LDELicensing@la.gov
Phone: (225) 342-9905, toll-free at 1-877-453-2721*

*Translation services are available. Please provide your name, phone number, and preferred language when calling. A translation specialist will call you back and assist you in your preferred language.